Friday, February 9, 2007

A Sticky Blast from the Past

I came home yesterday to find a care package sent by my mom. Inside was a stuffed hedgehog holding an "xoxo" heart, 2 Reese's hearts for the hubby, and some wonderful paper coasters from Anthropologie. Last, but not least, I pulled out an envelope chock full of stickers from my old sticker collection. A smattering of nostalgia, I tell you.

And my stickers were not ordinary (well, they were, but not to me). I coveted these things-- protected, loved, and CHERISHED them. It was a little sad to see them still on their paper though without having lived a proper sticker life. But I was a sticker snob at age 8. I stuck my nose up at friends who would stick their stickers directly ON the pages of their sticker albums-- phooey!

Anyway, here are just a few more Valentine-themed to make me chuckle. However, I did have to throw in the piece de resistance...the "I heart Boy George" sticker. LOVE IT! The one with the stop sign has "To Sarah From Anna" on the back which was my friend, Anna Daffara. I wonder what ever happened to her. Note the 1976 copyright, but I think it was 1983 when I received it from her. My mom also included valentines I gave my classmates that year as well. For another day though...


P.S. Sold my 2nd item on Thursday! Sandy in Cincinnati bought my freshly listed oilcloth portable placemat (more to come). Her online store, Mommy Couture, is amazing. Thanks, Sandy!

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that Anthropologie is my all time favorite store? I think we're soul sisters. I had some amazing stickers in the 80's as well, and still have all of my Sandylions from (around) '85. I remember fondly my I heart Michael Jackson sticker. Your blog doesn't seem at all new. It looks like you've been doing it forever. I'm bookmarking you and I'll check bad with you, kiddo. Keep on craftin!

