Saturday, April 28, 2007

Just In Cases

I've had my eye on a set of 3 suitcases from Paper Source. I wanted them in red, but all that is left online is pink, aqua (or "pool"-- ooh la la), orange. Went to PS in Oak Park Easter weekend, and they only had two of the three sizes which were a bit beat up from being on display. This is all for Q's toddler room which is pretty far off still, but I have been fantasizing about it for probably 7 months. It will be mushrooms and woodland creatures, and I'm going to paint creepy trees on her wall a la The Black Apple.

Long story long, I found these instead and I love them even better! I ordered them from Land of Nod, and they got here with a quickness. The item name is "Just in Cases" which alone got me. Sucka. There are only two of them, and the inside lining isn't as cute, but the polka dots make them worth it.

Also, something cool we got this week for Q: a Radio Flyer Retro Rocket. Although I think I like it more than she does. We played with it outside today and seemed to like it more when I pushed her down the driveway than pushing herself. Que sera sera.
Off to craft my brains out. D-day is 21 days and counting...

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