Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Girl Land's 2007 Summer Soundtrack

The hubby and I have been threatening that we're going to get rid of Rhapsody. We never do. The best thing about it is the playlist feature. I was scrolling through our playlists this morning, and I had to laugh. Some of Ryan's playlist titles include: "Dirty on Purpose", "Mullet- Proof Fence", and "R to the L.O." which has like one 50 Cent song in it for some reason.

I rarely burn cd's, but around this time every summer, I just get the itch. This summer I've stuck with entirely too many Sugar Pop songs, but I gots to be me. Here is my official 2007 Summer Soundtrack Playlist:

1. When Did Your Heart Go Missing - Rooney: How can you resist anything with the lead singer being Jason Schwartzmann's little brother? Doesn't hurt that Robert Carmine is really stinkin' cute. One minus is apparently there was a whole O.C. episode revolving around Rooney-- ick. One plus is that this song is very Keane-esque-- yay.

2. Tambourine - Eve: Have you seen this video? Eve is a total hottie.

3. Little of Your Time - Maroon 5: Adam Levine is Divine. I probably should have done Wake Up Call because I think it's the next single, but this is my favorite on the new cd.

4. Barracuda - Fergie: before you snub, listen! I really heart Heart (heh), and I think the Wilson sisters would be proud. Only drawback is it's on the Shrek 3 soundtrack. WTF. There's no video, so check out this weird penguin thing.

6. Rehab - Amy Winehouse: Take that, Litney Spearhan, you wussy!

7. Lovestoned - Justin Timberlake: My fave song on Future Sex Love Sounds.

8. Young Folks - Peter, Bjorn and John: this song is musical crack. You'll wake up whistling, I swear you will. You think I'm kidding? Best line is Victoria Bergsman singing, "Doesn't matter what you did. You were high anyway". The pic at the top is a still from the video.

9. LDN - Lily Allen: I love this girl. LDN, by the way, I believe is the airport code for London

10. Like This - Kelly Rowland: I had trouble coming up with a 10th song, but I'm a sucker for Indian music (in the background).

Or if you have Rhapsody, you can listen to my playlist! Happy listening.

1 comment:

  1. We just got rid of Rhapsody when they jacked up the price. But I love that Amy Winehouse song -- the whole album is well worth the price. I also just got Rufus Wainwright's new one -- so wonderful, so weird:

    -executive produced by Neil Tennant
    -Rufus wears monogrammed lederhosen throughout the CD booklet

    Sarah, you should take a listen to the song called "Between My Legs" (!), especially the end, with a weird voiceover by a woman who sounds like Dame Judy Dench AND a sample from Phantom of the Opera.

