Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Birthday... me! Let me just preface this post by saying that I am not fishing for happy b-day wishes, really. I just REALLY like my birthday. I'm not kidding when I say that my all-time favorite food is birthday cake. Specifically, white cake with white buttercream frosting. I'm talking the frosting that crunches in your mouth from all the sugar-- and none of that whipped frosting, raspberry filling, chocolate cake mumbo jumbo either. WHITE cake, WHITE buttercream frosting, and roses made of frosting-a-plenty (you know what I'm talkin' bout Jana, Ruth, and Joel-- what WHAT). I believe my love of birthday cake is also adequately addressed on my website as well.

So here is how I'm celebrating-- I do not work on my birthday. I don't believe I've worked on my birthday since I was 15, and that was at a zoo, so it wasn't really work. Oh, and I was a volunteer, so it REALLY wasn't work. So my friend Lizzie is visiting from South Carolina, she leaves this morning, and the hubby is taking Q to daycare and me to lunch at my favorite restaurant downtown Detroit. Then my friend, Ginny, is visiting from Phoenix this afternoon. Busy busy! Then my PARENTS are visiting Friday. I like commotion, so this should be fun.

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! I'm looking forward to the day Q is old enough to play with sparklers and go see fireworks.


  1. Happy Birthday Sarah!! Miss you! When are we going to get together?? Let's make a plan soon.

