Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wakey Wakey

No, no eggs and bakey were served tonight for dinner. However, blueberry pancakes were! My poor husband's first homecooked meal in who knows when. Let me tell you these pancakes were TO DIE FOR. I don't even know what I did. Followed the directions on the Bisquick box, added blueberries, and cooked them in vegetable oil (nice and healthy). And we had chicken-apple sausage on the side. Mmmmm.

My sweetie also had to go out of town for work today and on the way back down stopped at French Laundry for lunch. Last time we were there, I had a chicken salad wrap with red raspberry preserves. Sounds weird, but t'was so good! Then he went to a gift store up the street and bought me this tablecloth (he's a keeper). I have mixed feelings about reproductions, but I must say this is one of the only vintage or repro vintage I own that actually fits my table.

Last tidbit of news-- the husband is thinking about relinquishing control of his office so I can make it into an official crafting space just for me! Eek. I feel a bit bad about it because it's his little manly space-- burgundy walls, antique typewriter and globe, his books, etc. We'll see what he decides, and I'm going to *try* not to push the issue. I had initially suggested we share the space and keep it manly, but when he told me what he was thinking, I backed off. To be continued...


  1. Ooooh...a spot of your own! I know how it can be without one...hope it comes to be!!!! hugs to you...cheryl :)

  2. My husband and I have gotten into arguments about this before - I think pancakes are a totally delightful dinner; he disagrees. Looks yummy!
