Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Cupcakiest

I've found a new hero. Local schoolteacher Dave Slater ate 17 cupcakes in 8 minutes. Well, not just for the fun of it-- it was a contest put on by the Cupcake Station in Birmingham, and he also won some moolah and (just want he wanted) more cupcakes as well as the fame and admiration surrounding his feat. He will also hold the title in the International Federation of Competitve Eating. I did not know there was such an animal, and reading some of the records on it frankly made me ill. Anywho, here's my homage to Mr. Slater:

Reading his story also made me hungry for cupcakes. So the hubby and I had a date night tonight and stopped by The Cupcake Station to split a vanilla petals. Verrrrry good, but the cake was verrrrry heavy. We also did a little window shopping at Design Within Reach and Arhaus furniture before heading to Anthropologie. Last but not least, we caught a movie-- Superbad! I know I have voiced my Judd Apatow (and Seth Rogan) love before, and this movie did not disappoint. I also have a tiny inappropriate crush on Michael Cera because I love his awkwardness, and I was a big Arrested Development fan. Plus (and Ryan didn't like when I told him), he reminds me a little of my husband.

Hope everyone is having a grand weekend! xo

1 comment:

  1. Another parallel.

    Ethan and I were supposed to go out last night for dinner, and... to see Superbad in Birmingham. Had to cancel though, and then Ramona got sick.
