Thursday, September 20, 2007

Candy-Colored Twine

I was very pleased to read Sondra's comment on a previous post that Martha decided to take pity on us and allow us to use our 40% coupon at Michael's. Sure enough, it was true! I had to take advantage. And actually even used a Joann's coupon there to get this so-sweet twine.

Perfect Girl Land colors (well, except the yellow was missing)!


  1. Oh, does Michael's accept other store's coupons? I had never noticed that before but that rocks!

  2. That's so pretty! I want to go to Michael's so bad! The closest store is an hour away though and I'd have to go through Biloxi :(

  3. Hot damn! I'm going to Michaels!

  4. I've always wondered if they'd take other store's coupons - that's what I get for not asking! I'm going this morning!

  5. Hey! Thanks for mentioning me. I am returning the favor on my blog. Just a heads up - not that I'm sending all that many readers your way - but who knows?!
    I'm so glad you did this post because now I know that I can also take my Joannes coupon to Micheals!! Awesome since Michaels doesn't put them in the Sunday advertisers anymore. Yeahhhh!

  6. I didn't know michael's did that. I'm taking a trip! The michael's closets to me is an hour away, but it's worth it.

    Now where did I put my Jo-ann's flyer?!?

  7. Like your twine - what are you going to do with it?
