Sunday, November 25, 2007

Bleachin' & Flockin'

That sounds like a name of a band or maybe a store if you added an "-N-" instead of the ampersand. Don't ask me what kind of store or band would have anything to do with Bleachin' OR Flockin'. I just thought it sounded funny. Anyway, that's what I've been doing today. I followed Sarah's how-to on bleaching the trees, but it wasn't working fast enough (I'm so impatient), so I took my trusty bleach pen to them. Here are before and after pics of the trees and wreath.

And remember the cute house I bought (for way too much) at a local shop last weekend?

Yeahhhhh, I was pretty P.O.ed because I went to Hobby Lobby whilst visiting my parents for Thanksgiving and OF COURSE they had an almost identical plain unpainted version of the house for a song. I bought it and will make a house of my own for the upcoming MICE show. Mine will be lots cheaper but it's already shaping up to be cuter than the one I bought. Drat. Above you will also see the greeny-blue roof I painted that is now plastered with silver glitter. It's detachable from the house, so you can put a little light inside.

And don't get me started on Hobby Lobby. God bless the HL! We have NONE in the Detroit metro area. It really is the best craft store, hands down. My friend is Business Development manager for the municipality that I work for, and she actually called their real estate division to try to entice them into our city. Unfortunately, a dumb independent grocer (and not a good one, a junky one) just went into a space they were interested in, but they still said they are fully intending on opening a store in the region. Thank goodness!

Hope everyone is recuping from the weekend. We all barely got out of our pj's today, but we had to go rake leaves. And not fun, dry, pretty leaves. Nasty, dirty, wet ones. The three of us were filthy head to toe. I put Quinn in this sweatshirt though from Target. Look at the adorable whale print! So adorably 80s in spirit. That Target...

P.S. I thought I may cry after I left my parents yesterday. We forgot leftovers-- and there were LOTS. :( Boo hoo.


  1. If the trees aren't bleaching fast enough, just add more bleach to the water. I underestimated for that tutorial because I didn't want anyone to burn their eyes out or anything, but when I did it I added a *lot* of bleach. LOL

  2. I just worked on some glittery houses from the HL myself this weekend (but mine are pink and blue)! great minds....

  3. I only recently discovered HL was a few miles from my house. I'd never been in one before and was in a desperate need of something that Michaels was out of. My jaw dropped when I walked in the place!

  4. Something you might not have realized is that bleach strength can weaken over time in storage. Having used bleach in our Paper arts club projects , we found results were quite different from those that used the bleach they had stored away under the cabinet as opposed to those that brought "fresher" bleach ( and no, not the lemon scented stuff ) ;)

  5. Found you through PamKittyMorning... so many cute things you have here! Love the bleached trees.
