Adorable packaging...
Someone couldn't WAIT to see what was inside...
Then she usurped this super cute dolly...
And also got some new socks! "For mushroomy feet", as Catherine explained...
The BEST and most THOUGHTFUL piece ever-- a super cute linen pillow appliqued with an adorable mushroom. The "4" is because there will soon be 4 of us. I got kind of emotional as I opened it/read her note!!!
I just loved everything. Thank you soooo much, Catherine!!!
Last week and this week have been slightly dramatic/traumatic. I was having a really hard time walking last week (scary) and ended up driving myself to the hospital Thursday after work. After a lovely exam and lots of monitors being strapped to my belly, they determined I wasn't going into pre-term labor. They thought V was just sitting on a certain nerve. Feeling much better this week. At work this week, an offensive cartoon made its way onto our bulletin board. Well, offensive to some (how offensive do you think Dilbert can get?). Anyway, the witch hunt for the cartoon-posting culprit has been on, so that's been interesting.
On a more happy, less intense note, did you catch Emily Martin on Martha? I loved her because she seemed a bit nervous-- how could you NOT be? So cute. Another happy Etsy-related note: ALCHEMY is back!!!!! If you have never used this tool, you need to check it out! I've bought a few custom things this way, and the gears will be turning on what else I can dream up. I've missed it so much. Toodles, all. Have a great rest of the week! xo
So glad you're okay....