Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm Here!

Sorry for the hiatus in posting! I have to say I've been a pretty miserable person lately, and I get tired of hearing myself whining-- so I can't imagine that YOU all want to hear it. Now I have a cold too. Dagnabit. But enough about that...

So I took a few pics of Q's room. I'm so lazy that I haven't really finished it up. I need more stuff for the shelves, but only a handful of her books will fit in the built-ins. I also want to buy her a carrying case for her records. Haven't found anything great yet.

I like this area. Still need to add details. I have a gnome embroidery I want to do on linen, and my dad gave me a skeleton key from my grandma's house that I want to hang up too...

Here's her kitchen. I'm a tad bummed about the clock. It's really hard to see the hands from more than like a foot away. I even painted the hands black (instead of gold). No difference really...

And I don't know what to do with the curtains. Right now, they are just the heavy brown ones we had when it was our bedroom. I bought white swiss dot, but I'll need to get darkening shades for them. Don't quite know what to do.

Just a few more...

That's about it. We rented Sweeney Todd and After the Wedding. We are about 3/4 done with Sweeney Todd (tried to get it in at naptime), and it's good! Ryan and I saw the play about 11 years ago. One of our first official dates!

Happy weekending, all!!! xo


  1. cute pictures of her room.


  2. so so cute!
    i lovew emilys prints!!

  3. I love Q's room. Stitching up the gnome is a good late-pregnancy activity (with your feet up!).

  4. Cutest room ever... Built-ins make me happy....

  5. What a beautiful room. I love the kitchen :)

  6. it turned out lovely! it's a little treasure :) for quinn, the foret nymph.
