Friday, June 20, 2008

The Mother of All Estate Sales

Vivi and I hit it today. I stuck her in the sling and off we went. It was sooooo great!!!! Now the hard part is deciding what I shall keep, WHERE I'm going to put the stuff, and what to sell. You can see all of my finds on my flickr page, but here are my fave items:
My absolute fave. You know how I love my dioramas! I shall not part with this, of course.

These linen-paged books are great. The insides are all cut up though, so I'll be keeping these too.

They had FOUR of these babies. I will keep one for Quinn, and the others are going in my shop!

The woman was a teacher, so she had a HUGE box of these decorative cut-outs. These were some of the best.

This was in a bag chock full of half finished embroidery projects and floss. Cree-heepy cool! Going in my shop for sure.

This one was in amongst the tools and such. I couldn't just leave it there! Pretty good condition except for a couple spots on the front cover. Probably gravy stains (ewgh).

And what school lunch would be complete without liver & onions!!! Happy weekend, lovies. xo


  1. Oooh, I have that cookbook! It's from my grandmother who was the lunch lady at the school my mom went to and later that I went to, but my grandmother was retired by then. I love the sugar cookies, my school still makes them! Three times a year, with a candy corn on top for Halloween, a red hot for Christmas, a conversation heart for valentine's day!

  2. WOW! I would've been jumping up and down!

  3. i am sooo jealous. i have completely bombed out on thrift finds lately! there is a huge flea market about an hour away from here next sunday, but it is the day after the craftacular and i'm not sure i'll be up for like 500 booths!!

