Friday, June 6, 2008

When It Rains, It Pours

In a good way, this time! Look at MORE gifties that sweet Naomi sent! I knew I was getting some Cram Cream goodies from Naomi's bloggy contest, but there were MORE treats inside! A hedgehog/mushroom onesie for V (from one of my faves, Maya Elise Boutique), some Glitter Workshop barrettes/bobbies for Quinn, gnomey hedgie postcards for ME and some yum orange choco soap too! Also, the Cram Cream key cover and cup. Quinn absconded with the cup and soap, so it's missing from the photo, but you can see the cup here! Topped off by a darling vintage baby card. I love it. Thank you sooooo much for everything, Naomi! What a sweetheart.

Ryan took this grainy photo of me and Vivi yesterday, and I liked it. Not very flattering, but captured my mood entirely-- exhausted but happy. Dig my sausage fingers. I'm retaining water STILL! Still can't wear my wedding ring.

One last thing-- I finally sold a set of Wee Berry Push Pins. I've had these guys for like a year with none sold at shows or in my shop. The Etsy pic is fuzzy, and I'm too lazy to retake. Anywho, packed them up and mailed them with a few vintage paper coasters. From my mother's kitchen drawer no less! They've totally been in there since the late 70s, early 80s, so I finally asked for them. I so love them!

Waiting for Q to wake up from her nap. We went to the swim club this morning, and it was CLOSED. Poor kid. Apparently, they don't open till 3 before school is let out. So we're going to try again at 3 sans Vivi. It's just too hot out there! Can you believe 88 degrees so far? I'm such a wuss.
Here's hoping for a cooler weekend! Have a happy one!


  1. What a sweet photo! I tagged you.. hope you don't mind....

  2. Those gnome postcards are so wonderful!

    Too bad about the post-pregnancy-nastyness. My mother was ridiculously skinny for most of her life, and after she had me she just popped right back into place, then came child #2, and there was no popping back...ever. Doesn't really help my bad image of pregnancy haha! But the whole thing about not being able to wear your ring makes me think about the birth episode of Mad About You, did you ever watch that show?
