Friday, August 8, 2008

Skinny Bitches

I've been debating on whether I want to make myself officially accountable. I have FIFTY pounds to lose, so I need to get off my ever lovin' ass. Period. I'm doin it. Here's a start.

Weight Watchers online fizzled out. I can't do it by myself. I get overwhelmed too quickly. I need to suck it up and try to get to an aerobics class stat. But I did go sign up for WW meetings. Let me show you what I'm dealing with here. Ugh (my hair looks horrid too):

And here's my lowest weight about 50 lbs ago when I visited my friend in San Diego three years ago right before I got pregnant with Q.

Yep, I weighed less at 29 than I did in high school! I think this shall be my motivation.
Thanks for listening to my "woe is me" post...but "woe is me" shall be no more! All I can do is keep trying, right???


  1. I think it takes a full year to get back to where you started after having a baby. Give yourself a break!

    I've got no excuses - I was much thinner when my kids were 2 and 4 -now I'm just lazy!

  2. i feel the same. henri isn't even a week old, but i also have probably 50 lbs. i would like to lose total. that wouldn't even put me back at my lowest!

    i am cutting myself a bit of slack and devoured a huge piece of chocolate cake after dinner.

    it doesn't help when you have a hubby who spoils you!!

  3. I'm pretty sure nobody says this anymore, but you go girl!

  4. Look at you!! Brave one! YOu are still beautiful! And rest assured, the rest of us OSBers are right there with you!

  5. Shew- you are carrying that extra weight well. I just took some "before" pics, no way do i have the brass ones to post them but I will email you one for giggles if you want. JK.
    Fellow OBSer

  6. Sorry I missed this!! I'm so glad you're joining us! I'm failing miserably so far... but I'm on my way to the grocery store and will not buy any bad stuff I Promise!!

  7. WOW! You certainly don't look like you have 50 lbs. to lose!!!! You look awesome!!!! Welcome to OSB, sister!

  8. Girl - I think you look good - and Umm... you JUST had a baby! I hear you, though. I have some poundage I want to lose (the belly fat). It isn't coming off just thinking about it. :) And that picture of you at 29 - wowza! I can tell you didn't have kids, though... ;) Love ya!

  9. I also want to say that your feet in pic#1 look like my 100 year old China doll's. They look cute and little in the black shoes...
    And clarify the reason I can tell you didn't have kids... you obviously had a lot of time to get ready. You match. You don't have spit up on your blouse and you don't look tired... :)

  10. Ha! I know! The only small thing on me is my feet. Those rounded toes do make me look a little "hippo from Fantasia"-ish. :)
