Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby Beans, I Hardly Knew Ye

A little bit of nostalgia nearly punched me in the face yesterday while browsing on eBay.

This weird looking baby was my partner in crime throughout my early childhood. Until yesterday, I had all but forgotten about her. I still don't know how I happened upon her. She had a bean-filled body. I never knew she was a Mattel Baby Beans (I was probably 3ish when I had her). She was simply known as Susie. I lost her while at a playground, and my parents miraculously "found" her and returned her home. Of course, they actually bought a new one, but I was none the wiser.

Crazy stuff.


  1. omg!
    i had baby beans too!
    'cept mine was in a fashionable blue outfit with white polka dots.
    btw.....about your photographer...was it marla? if so, she had a baby and retired. i have a fantastic photographer in downtown northville, angela carson. her studio is an old victorian home. she and her hubby, steve work together. you can do it "studio style" or other settings. her website is angelacarson.com. check her out.
    (grew up in r.o. area)

  2. I did as well I wish I had one still!
