Sunday, September 7, 2008

'Bout Dang Time

Finally, Q will let me put things in her hair. I think it annoys her daycare ladies that her hair is always in her face. I picked her up last week, and she had two barrettes in. I said, "How'd you do that?", they said, "We just told her she couldn't take them out. Period." Hmmmm...novel idea. Don't know if it's a fad, but just in case, I made her some of these.
Off to watch the new HBO vampire series True Blood with Anna Paquin (is being Tivo'd)! Just what I need, more boob tube. Have loved AP since X-Men. Rogue is such a hottie, but what a sucky power, eh?


  1. Those hair pretties look like.... what are those things called? Nesting dolls... I've had too much wine...

    Yes Rougue is a hottie! I wish I had HBO, I'm in Vampire withdrawal since finishing the Twilight series... I need a fix man...

  2. Those barrettes are adorable! Best of luck on keeping them in their rightful place.

    I haven't heard anything about True Blood, but I might have to check it out. Vampire shows aren't usually my thing, but then again, cop shows aren't usually my thing, and The Wire was just about the greatest TV show to ever enter my life. HBO sure does know how to make good TV.

  3. LOL!

    Ramona won't let me put stuff in her hair either. Every once in a while I can do pigtails, but she's fighting it more and more.

    And of course, at school, they french braid her hair and other pretty things. They said they just tell her she has a bug in her hair and they have to get it out!
