Thursday, September 11, 2008

Come Sale Away

I've tried Craigslist to find estate sales, but this by far is the best tool. Here are the types of estate sales I've experienced so far:

1. Those which are *called* estate sales but are really yard sales (to me, an estate sale is when someone has died. Period.); sorry, but I don’t want your fitness equipment, beer ad tees, or used and dirty baby toys.

2. The professionally organized estate sale in which all the good stuff is taken by the company and what’s left is scarce and of no interest to me.

3. The professionally organized estate sale that has some good stuff, is neatly organized, but is overpriced. Like three times what I would feel comfortable with selling in my own shop.

4. The family organized estate sale in a chi-chi section of metro Detroit (today’s sale) with super cool stuff that is like super duper whooper overpriced. Like I’d have to sell a simple pipe cleaner-armed elf for $16 to make it worth my while. I did get this cutie off a cheaper table (amongst the Fred Flinstone figurines, small country baskets, and bad silk flower arrangements). Many times I don't buy anything here simply out of principal.

4. Finally, my favorite, the family organized estate sale in a less affluent area of metro Detroit on a main drag where you park on the grass in front of the house and they just want the stuff OUT. And the teenage grandson sells you a ginormous box of pretties for $10 that the mere sight of makes you want to cry.

I’m going to another tonight. I’ll let you know which category it falls into. I'm hoping #4.

It was alright. Will post more pics tomorrow (it was too dark in my house to get any decent shots)-- here are my two fave things! The girl/kitty picture is creepy cute at its finest.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, I get email alerts from them every time a new sale is listed. Now you know an estate sale also constitutes a family moving and leaving EVERYTHING behind, right?!

    I think that little girl with the kitty is actually beautiful in an odd sort of way. Though, I'm sure she grew up to be quite a lady of the night. Don't you think?! I mean she didn't get her photo painted with her kitty for nothing!
