Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sorry and Contest #1!

Hi all! Sorry I've been gone. Finally got my camera back today. I've been a wreck without it, but my new iphone camera works amazingly well (for a phone camera), so I've gotten a few shots of stuff.

I went to a work conference last Thursday at a farm about 1/2 hour away. It made such an impression that we are going to take Q and V tomorrow. They have pony rides, a magician, and other fun stuff all autumn long. Plus you are THISCLOSE to all the animals-- and they have now week-old piglets that Q can't wait to get her hands on! Here are some pics from the conference day:

Yes, a goat in the rafters! Just before he goat dropped a turd on the opening speaker, in fact:

A brief scenic stop on our hayride around the farm just before a little talk on environmental stewardship:

The tiny piggies (Babe!):

Some more good stuff this week:

+The Paci Fairy made a visit to an almost-3-year-old last night. We decorated this bag for her, put all the pacis inside, and lo and behold, Q woke up to find a new digital camera (you know, the cheapy kid's ones) inside! Q tracked exactly how she got in too-- she found a fairy dust trail at the windowsill leading to the bag. Damn, that fairy dust is messy!

+These uber-cute matching Halloween shirts for the girls! Jennifer did a great job. I was going to applique or iron-on some shirts, but I loved the personalization, and I couldn't have done them myself for that cheap.

+And..................this is my 300th post! As I said before, let's have THREE contests. And the rules are as they were before-- leave me a comment on this post (and/or the next two), you get one entry for each. Link to my posts, and you get an extra TWO chances for EACH contest you link to. Plus, winning one of the three does not make you ineligible for the other two, so enter them all!

Today's contest will be for some Girl Land merchandise-- $20 worth of anything in my shop, vintage or handmade. I spent HOURS making this little Girl Land Bucks gift certy on Photoshop. I am a moron. Heather, look! I followed your tutorial! I really need lessons on this damn thing.

Anywho, stay tuned...Contests #2 & 3 will be over the course of this week-- and a big vintage stash will be the finale. For the Girl Land Bucks, please leave your comment between now and next Friday, October 3.

Thank you, all, for indulging me and reading what I have to say and for checking up on me now and again as well. I never imagined when I started doing this that I'd find such a wonderful, kind and inspirational blogosphere out there! Sigh. Love you. xoxoxo


  1. hooray- you did it!! It looks fabulous!!

  2. Those baby pigs are too cute! And, how funny about the goat!

  3. Aw, I love those piggies! Congrats on the big 3-0-0!

    I'll definitely be linking...I want a good shot at some of that awesome Girl Land merchandise!

  4. Congrats on your posts! Love the shirts... I am soooo far behind on Halloween!

  5. The gift certificate looks great. It reminds me of a scarf I made.

  6. The shirts are cute! I love applique!! I just tried it out a few days ago.

  7. Oh, those piggies are so cute, I don't think I can eat bacon for the rest of the week now. :-(

    Julie Andrea

  8. A gift certificate to your shop? That is so awesome!!Pick me!

  9. Wow, congrats on the milestone! And I wish my work had conferences with poop!

  10. Congrats on 300 posts! And the certificate is so sweet.

  11. I love your etsy shop! You have the best eye when it comes to vintage items!

  12. I absolutely love those shirts! Too cute!


  13. Your stuff is so great. Very creative and sweet.

