Saturday, November 14, 2009

5 More Days...

Do you have your soundtrack downloaded yet? If not, it's realllllllly good. Way better than the first soundtrack. I already loved Death Cab for Cutie, St. Vincent, Grizzly Bear and Thom Yorke before, now I love them even more!

And once you download it, buy some CD labels and slap this baby on it...enjoy!

Click image to enlarge, right click to save to your computer. Open in CD labeling software (such as Memorex exPressIt Label Design Studio), choose "use your own background", then voila!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard any of the music yet.

    can't wait to see this. my sister is going on the 20th and trying to convince me to go too... I don't think I'll be able to enjoy it amongst umpteen squeeing 13 year olds though... I think I'll wait a week or so.
