Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Behold the Kitsch

My eyes! My eyes! This is extreme kitsch overload...even for me! Just finished putting this together. The wreath, Merry Christmas plaque and the pom poms are new, the deer and Santa are vintage. The larger Xmas plaques are hard to find, but I did find them on Etsy. Jennifer of Lulu's Cupcake Boutique was awesome in getting them to me tout de suite. Thanks, Jennifer!

Sorry for the massive overuse of Picnik effects as of late. My camera is crap. I can't take a good picture after sunset to save my life, and the Lomo effect especially really helps. I need to invest in a new camera, but after snooping on Flickr to see what some of my other peeps are using, it's looking like I am going to have to spend some major dough to get something good. Which I may or may not be willing to do. To be continued...


  1. Love the wreath! Those little Santas are my absolute all time favorites!

  2. Christmas is the perfect time for kitsch. Love the wreath!

  3. Hi Craven! I just broke down and got a new Canon SLR camera and I LOVE it. It is totally worth the investment...especially with the kids :) xoxo

  4. Love that wreath! And the first photo would make an excellent Christmas card. Do not underestimate the charm of an un-fancy camera!
