Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Cure for Melancholy

Feast your eyes on these Japanese fabrics and items from Superbuzzy! Just received their most recent email newsletter. I think it may quite be impossible to look at these things and NOT feel happy.

And I think that Shinzi Katoh was directing this one right at me! :)

One more happy item that I've ever-so-slyly hinted to my hubby and mother that I want for my b-day in July:

When birthday cake is your favorite food, it's only appropriate to own a cake CARRIER, no?!

Oh, and happy Cinco de Mayo! I would love a nice salty-rimmed margarita right now. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Maybe I will enjoy one with my hubby tonight instead of going to Jazzercise. I've been a Jazzer-slacker this week, and I haven't been to class in over a week. Bah. Last week, I could blame my lower back issues, but this week, I have no physical excuse. Luckily, my bud will be joining me next week which will give me some incentive (I'm counting on you, Danielle!).

P.S. Wish me luck-- I bought 5 Powerball tickets for tonight's drawing. My favorite number is 5, and I just noticed the date today is 5/5/10!!!!! I never buy lotto tix. Maybe today's my lucky day!!!

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