Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mindy Project Quiz!

I'm such a nerd.  My hubby was out of town and I made a bunch of quizzes on Buzzfeed.  The first one was "Which "The Mindy Project" Character is your Soulmate?" 
Source:  Fox
 And guess what?  It got promoted to the front page of Buzzfeed yesterday!  As of right now, it's gotten 206,139 views which I think is kind of amusing.  Who am I kidding, my inner nerd is FLIPPING OUT.  ACK!  What accolades do I get for such an accomplishment??  Nada.  Zip, zilch.  Pbbbt.  Notoriety for having a good quiz?  I'll take it!  If anyone from Buzzfeed wants to hire me, hit me up.  I'm the biggest pop culture junkie you'll ever meet.  Ok, maybe the 3rd biggest.

 Buzzfeed did change a few of my answers, but in retrospect, I guess I understand.  For example, my question was "Describe Yourself", and one of my answers was "I'm a caramel princess", a direct quote from last week's ep, "Caramel Princess Time".  But it was watered down to "I'm a princess".  I get it, Buzzfeed, I get it.

Anyway, take it, and if anyone is still reading this thing (since I haven't posted in like 2 years), comment and tell me who you got!

P.S.  I have a big post scheduled for tomorrow...waiting to see if I can offer a free download from someone.  I am gonna give this blogging thing another whirl.  

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