Thursday, December 13, 2007


So I thought it would be fun to do this contest...the lovely Colleen is the only person to play so far!!! I've got good vintage and handmade stuff available here, people!!! For free!!! Don't make me beg (hee hee).

On another whiny front, I have my first NPC (non-paying customer) on Etsy. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she placed a rather sizeable order. Sigh. It's been three days, and I finally decided to relist these three items above and request cancellation of the order.

I am, however, thankful for my wonderful health, family, and good luck in general (knock, knock, knock on wood). You cannot believe the amount of bad luck that has befallen some of my friends, their siblings, their teenage daughter's boyfriends, their husbands and daughters, etc. I know they will all muddle through and be ok in the end, but they shouldn't have to!! Really, I thank my lucky stars every day!

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