Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Beauty Meme

I received this little beauty regime meme in an email forward. Nice little timewaster. Nothing helps me beat the winter blahs better than buying a fresh springy lip or cheek color! Not going to tag anyone, but if you feel like sharing, please do comment. I can always use some good tips.

What Five beauty products could you not live without?

  1. Pampered Hearts spa body polish! I like the grapefruit and oatmeal, milk & honey one.
  2. Moisture gloves for when my hands get super chapped and dry. Slather on some lotion (sometimes I even use A&D ointment) and put on the gloves overnight!
  3. Rusk W8less hairspray.
  4. Round brush.
  5. Etched glass emery board from Snazzy Creations. Never need to be sharpened and they have such cute designs!

What’s the worst beauty mistake you’ve made? Having my hair dyed PLATINUM BLONDE in college. Not a good look for someone with fair skin. I almost disappeared.

What’s your daily skincare regime consist of? Morning: Aveeno baby lotion before makeup. Night: Wash face with Neutrogena bar soap (never found anything else that works as well and DOESN’T make me break out) then Aveeno baby lotion.

What does your daily cosmetics regime consist of?
Benefit Some Kind A Gorgeous Foundation Faker, Maybelline concealer, Clinique double face powder, Maybelline Pinch o' Pink blush, Bobbi Brown eyeshadow in Raisin and Petal, Maybelline eyeliner, and Almay mascara, Bobbi Brown lipstick in Mauve. Yes, that’s a lot of makeup! But I don't really look like a hooker when I leave the house (that I know of), I swear.

Favorite Beauty treat? Bath bombs from Venus in Traverse City! We only go up there once a year, so always stock up (honey almond is the best…mmmm). Once, I couldn’t hold out, and I had to order them online.

What’s your favourite beauty store? Sephora! Or Nordstrom’s.

Favorite Budget brand? Maybelline.

Favorite Premium brands? Bobbi Brown

And what about Skin Care: Favorite Premium and Budget brands? Premium: Clinique I guess. Budget: Neutrogena

And Hair Care? Premium: Matrix Amplify—my hair won’t cooperate without it and it smells soooo good! Sometimes, I use Q’s Original Little Sprout baby mousse. It really smells clean and great too. Budget: L’Oreal Kids hair detangler (pear scent!). I use it every day.

What Fragrances do you wear? I have a ton that I trade off—Miss Dior Cherie, Kate Spade, Pink Sugar, Marc Jacobs Blush, etc.

What’s your “every girl must own one” item? A compact mirror. For veggies stuck between front teeth, bats in the cave... that kind of thing.

And finally, best beauty tip? Moisturize your face twice a day every day! Also, there are a ton of self-bronzers that are great nowadays. Mystic Tan is also a great way to sunless tan.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Five favorite beauty products: Black Mascara (preferably Almay), Nuetrogena Tinted Moisturizer,Good Ol' Fashioned Vaseline for lips, hands, and cuticles all year round, Sheer Cover mineral powder foundation makes my skin look really young and fresh (sorry for the infomercial factor!), Cetaphil bar soap for face is just so great and great for body, too!
    2. Daily Skincare Regimine-Wash with Cetaphil, Tone with Witch Hazel, and Moisturize with Nuetrogena Tinted Moisturizer, at night I use a Jason's Ester C lotion.
    4. Daily Cosmetics-Benefit Concealer, Sheer Cover Mineral Powder Foundation, Black Mascara and Mac Viva Glam III lipstick...Sometimes I skip the mascara and opt for black eyeliner by Maybelline
    5. Favorite Beauty Treat- Any Lush product, really...But the bath bombs (especially Butterball and SexBomb) are so decadent and wonderful...My new addiction Savor soaps found on etsy are yummy, too.
    6. Fav Budget Line-Almay, Fav Premium Brands-Mac and Benefit
    7. Fragrances-Love way too many but my go-to's would have to be Kenzo Flower, the original Michael Kors and Prada Parfum. For summer Cabotine...Let me not forget Bobby Brown's, so lovely.
    8. Best beauty tips: Drink lots and lots of water every day, exercise, and get plenty of rest!

    Thank you for this little burst of fun on a rainy, blah, day...
    xo, Cyndy
