Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Happy Valentimes!"

… to quote a favorite line from 30 Rock (loves me some Rachel Dratch). Hope everyone is having a fun and happy heart day. I am a sucker for Valentine’s Day. I received some lovely roses from Ryan at work today.

I asked him the story on the color, and he said since Baby is due in May, and emerald is May’s birthstone, he wanted green roses. He called four stores looking for green roses, and the closest he could get was lime green. HA! What a character he is. Very sweet sentiment. We’re going out to dinner and a movie (No Country for Old Men finally) on Saturday night. My cousin & her hubby offered to babysit, so that was totally nice.

I think I told you before about my boss’ wife’s cookie business which is now in full swing! She has a little store downtown Lake Orion called Cookie Delites, and a website now too. Her prices are better than any I’ve found online, and her cookies are damn good. Especially this peanut butter kind she makes with a smooshed mini Snickers inside. Anyway, I had some delivered to Ryan at work. I’ve been tormenting him by implying that I may have ordered him a strip-o-gram or something. He’s been freaking out. Anyway, he liked his ½ dozen chocolate chip and ½ dozen macaroons (his fave), so I’m happy.

I also got him some blood orange tea from Adagio Teas. Amanda talked about it, so I thought I’d give it a whirl. All his family members are a bunch of tea freaks, and he’s been obsessed with blood oranges lately, so I thought it the perfect gift.

As for Q, I made up pretty unimaginative little treat bags for daycare with crayons/mini coloring book, heart tattoos, and candy. I bought the retro valentines from Fred Flare because I couldn’t bear the thought of giving her Dora or Pooh valentines, but I have been sooooo lazy that I didn’t have the gumption to make any either. I thought this one was a tad inappropriate, but I sent anyway. I would have been one short without it!

I bought her some candy with a train on the box (she loves trains), some felt play cookies w/ cookie jar, and some Fisher Price little people holding hearts and stuff.

XOXO all! Big smooches from Girl Land!!!

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