Thursday, May 8, 2008

As If...

...banana bread weren't fattening enough already, I found this recipe for Fluffernutter Banana Bread from ljc! Ryan was completely disgusted as he doesn't care for marshmallows (what a freak), the only kind of peanut butter he likes is in the form of actual peanut butter OR inside Reese's cups. Yes, folks, he is that specific. About all of his food.

It's yummy, but truthfully, the idea of it was much better. The marshmallows pretty much disappeared (don't know what I expected them to do, duh), but the actual BREAD part is super delish. Pefectly moist and perfectly banana-y. Next time I'll prob just omit the fluffer and the nutter and make this my standard bb recipe. Anywho, Danielle, get ready to get your fluffernutter bread on because you're taking some home tonight!!! :)

So get this-- Baby V only woke up ONCE last night! Yippee. I'm acutely aware of the fact that I have now jinxed myself. And actually, it wasn't *perfect* anyway last night because while she only woke up once, she was up for 1.5 hrs.

On the crafty front, I'm easing my way back in slowly. If you're my mom, stop reading now (SPOILER ALERT). She and my dad are getting concert tickets for Mother's and Father's Day respectively, but I wanted to get her something else little to open. She wants a small photo album for Vivian pics, so I thought I'd make her one-- or rather cover one for her. So I'm using this fabric:

And this ribbon:

And the chipboard mushrooms in the background (from the dollar store!) are for a scrapbook for my MIL. She wanted a scrapbook of all Q pics, so that is what she shall get! It's not too inventive, but it's turning out to be pretty cute. Speaking of my MIL, she sent me MY Mother's Day gift. Um, have you read this????? I frigging started BAWLING on the first page!

EEK, I just remembered my cousin who is due in Oct is finding out girl or boy this afternoon!!!!


  1. Love the sweet little fabric. And I'm so glad you're back to bloggin!

  2. Welcome Vivian!! She's gorgeous... and ya.. you probably just jinxed yourself...
