Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Newly Hatched

A robin has returned to build its nest on top of our front porch light.

And look who else has made her way into the world!

Miss Vivian Jane was born last Thursday, 8 lbs 15 oz. of chunky baby goodness! Thanks to everyone for their emails and comments. So nice to have such caring people out here in the blogosphere. We are both doing great! I was able to receive the spinal this time (after many PAINFUL attempts) for my c-section, so recovery was much easier. I was out of there in 2 days.

Leslie finished up my birth announcement for me. This woman was so great to work with. I thought she did such a great job capturing Quinn. Look at this graphic! The theme is "My baby sister's here" type of thing.

Q is doing a great job at being a big sister. Not too obnoxiously in V's face...yet. But she is always concerned with where her little sis is, why she's crying, and she always has to "pet her" fuzzy head and hug and kiss her. Which she does quite gently actually.

Now I need to get back in my craft groove. I'm thinking about stealing this idea for a new tee for Vivi. How cute!


  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!! She is gorgeous. Congrats to you all.

  2. Miss Viv is beau-teee-ful! I'm so happy for you.

  3. HOOOOORAY...she is beautiful!! How sweet?! Congrats - I'm so happy things went well!

  4. Wow, I think she might actually be the most cute little baby girl I have ever seen. Congratulations, and I hope you have an easy recovery :)

  5. congrats! she is beautiful! those cheeks...i love baby cheeks!

  6. Congratulations and welcome to little Vivian. She is beautiful and what a sweet name! I hope Quinn is enjoying being a big sis.

  7. You would think she was storing food for the winter in those cheeks! Adorable!

  8. congratulations! she's so pretty :)
